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Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :And currently, there is no "catch" on BnJ

You get this shiny red bar in your sig and you're not satisfied?
Want a cookie?

/more OT - Gekkibi I wonder if you exist in the real world. You may as well be our imaginary virtual friend from the posts / races amount you get lately
Last edited by Mille Sabords, . Reason : typo
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :... The forum is not in a state of malfunction. No changes are necessary.

+1 Keep it up. Thanks.
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from frokki :If 'racism' is not the correct English word to describe hatress towards a nation or nationality, then what is?

Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :From another standand point, if you play the demo and DON'T want any more cars, then either the LFS demo is certainly too content rich, or you're not interested in sim-racing.

I think the demo has (had...RIP XRT) enough content for casual players to be entertained for years.
On the other hand the community and involvement of the devs, test patches process and suggestions show you, demo user, that LFS is a unique product. Just go ahead and read a few of Scawen's posts to realise it fully.
You should not buy a license to access more content but to repay the dev team for the fun you had and will have. That is your way to support the community and become an active part of it.
Thanks for reading
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from Glenn67, from a long dead thread:

Quote :I rear-ended another car this morning.
I tell you, I knew right then and there that it was going to be a REALLY bad day!
The driver got out of the other car, and wouldn't you know it...
He was a DWARF!!
He looked up at me and said "I am NOT Happy!"
So I said, "Well, then, which one ARE you?"
And that's how the fight started.

Sorry for those who remember it too well, and sorry for all short sized persons named Happy - this is only a joke and surely does not reflect the opinions of ... or any of its ... and ...
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :Are there going to be a new license-class for those who don't know how to brake..? Came from the BnJ and now I want to rip his head off. Thanks goes to that guy who ruined others races.
Yes, I am over-reacting because I am so pissed to him.

PMs may help? If they remain polite of course.
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Another suggestion, following the good one above:
I was thinking about the stats offered by the CTRA website.
All good info but we may be missing something interesting and maybe controversial (the last bit driving my interest )
Any way to display, per driver, in %, the amount of time / laps / races / any of these three on CTRA as compared to LFSW?
This would show each driver's assiduity to CTRA, and could help detecting overall interest variations according to the modifications in CTRA servers.
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Depends on the efficiency of you A/C system and the temp you set it at...
and also at what speed you are driving
no easy answer there, but for newer cars a self regulating A/C not too cold (max 4-5°C below outside air temp) is more efficient that open windows outside the cities (from my own experiments, instant fuel consumption on screen so not utterly reliable).

Edit: and Tristan is right about the elderly lady taking 5 minute to reach 50km/h after the green light...
Last edited by Mille Sabords, . Reason : tristan was quicker
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :...
PS. Oh, and I had my fist victory in Race 1. Tentimes, that was an exciting race. But the main point was that I beated silver licensed racer.

That is the proof you are getting in pace, and if you want to continue on this path you need opposition and higher licensed racers to battle with on race 1
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
I spend a few days in Malta some years ago and the bus drivers have an interesting fuel saving technique:
Put it in neutral as soon as you reach the desired speed. Never brake except in emergency situations. Traffic lights are an indication vaguely similar to "use some caution when red".
Efficient but scary?
On a daily basis I try to anticipate as much as possible to avoid accelerating, keeping good distances with the cars ahead helps making a buffer for the nervous speed changes that take a high toll in your consumption.

Take it easy uphills,
do not carry useless stuff in your car,
close windows to reduce drag,
change gear up asap at steady speed,
check tyres pressure,
take the bus
Last edited by Mille Sabords, . Reason : typo
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Hey thanks for your query, I have checked out everything about you and I predict that your ideal job George Bush is a Office Gopher. Good luck in your new career.

Description Score
Salary 3/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 5/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 4/10
Uniform 4/10

Total 21/60

... and Tony Blair gives the same result
Last edited by Mille Sabords, . Reason : more testing...
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
SS license is still pretty recent.
The userbase is not so big at the moment that SS2 can be well populated. IMO the MRT event is promoting SS servers, thus people who are not really interested in the FBM (like me) could be convinced to race sing le seaters more and gain licenses for SS2 and SS3.
Just wait and see?
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from mkinnov8 :Erm.. sorry for my nubist post but, what? What is bought and paid for via the LFS shop? or have I missed something? or was it a joke?

Does not seem like a joke to me...
CTRA is free as stated xxx times by Sam, but you have to buy the S2 license to get it. This way it is a part of what you get when you buy S2 (call it bonus or whatever). Is it too late or too early?

Regarding race 1:
I love race 2 but the population is variable as well as the skill range. This means you can spend a race all by yourself there, and I am not fond of this. Therefore I go to race 1 sometimes for a door to door race in a (half) full grid, not for points or wins but to enjoy good fights.
And I usually do not win...
I really appreciated working towards my silver license on a race 1 server populated by silver and more racers, and feeling that all points gained there were deserved. When you get a racing standard decent enough to compete with silver and above then you start getting points, that is how it should be don't you think?

Getting silver should not be an easy task, or there would be no point in CTRA
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Although this combo may not be the easiest if you want to finish a race.
LX4 on South City Chicane route is complicated enough all by yourself to wreck the car!
Make sure you try a few laps offline before you join.
DMR server is a very good place to go for clean and fair races, and populated enough in Europe evenings. Keep up the good work!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Stats are good


Please do not create a tool that reminds us all that we have no life...
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :... You normally also don't have to worry about tyre temperatures.

That's about the last thing to worry about when you try MRT, time to sort priorities it seems.
Oh and I should drive this ugly sounding FBM more to get nat B... at least 20 races considering my skills, that is probably more than my LFS time until the cup. We'll see.
Good idea anyways, thanks
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from Demon68 :YES, good idea.
The point system now only shows how much time someone spend on the Ctra servers (not entirely true but you get my point)
It would be good to have a ranking based on how good someone can race.

Why do you all want points?

As I see it the goal of CTRA point system was a solution to offer high quality pickup races, by filtering the cleaner and faster racers, promoting them using points.
We still see that on race 1: racers with dedication will eventually get a higher licence, this taking more or less time according to skill and cleanliness. The others will not progress and leave.
Therefore the system works and achieves its goal. Race 2 and SS2 servers are not full yet, so there is room for more racers promoted before an evolution is needed, no rush there.

Once you get points / licences for higher servers the points were only here to make sure you can find racers fast and clean enough to offer you some competition, and are no more use for you (except if you want to be in the fisrt page of the website).
So why would you want more licences?
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
BF1 is way too fast and scary for me to drive

I also find a recurrent issue in BF1 pickup races, this is the wide range of skills.
At least when i'm not fast in a slow car I can still see the leaders and race mid pack after a few laps. In the fastest cars the fast drivers are long gone and the rest is spinning around, no close racing involved there.
I want battles, overtaking attempts, defending opportunities during a race and I do not have the skill / practice to achieve that at higher speeds.
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
This ideal line (press 4) does no more change, but it is different for all the combos.
Just check your data\knw folder and you will understand the difference:
the .trs file is the "rubber" overlay and is updated according to your in game options while the .knw files are the AI paths, not updated dynamically.

In patch X the .knw files were updated after each AI race to simulate AI learning (but AIs were much slower and also were "learning" wrong lines, and forgetting fuel, tyres...)
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :
Mille, go to Start > Run.. type in "CMD". Press Enter

Type "tracert" and press Enter. This will trace the route that data travels from your computer to the CTRA servers and should give you an idea of where the fault lies.

Tested last night a few iterations,
my route apparently goes to the US and back
final ping to UKCT min 139 max 204ms... average around 180ms

It is playable and did not alter my driving any further
Thank you for your time.
CTRA servers ping increase
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
I do not know where to post / PM this.
I have been experiencing a high ping increase with all CTRA servers lately (1-2 weeks?)
CTRA servers were 49-75ms, and I now receive 150-180ms pings from all CTRA servers.
All other servers unchanged, for example CD servers (also UK based?) are still in the 50ms
My provider is in Switzerland and I have not noticed any other modification with my connection.

Any idea about what caused this / how to improve it or further testing?

Is it still acceptable / playable for the other drivers if I play with a 150ms ping? I did not enter a crowded CTRA server since this issue appeared fearing it may ruin other's races.
Thank you
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Thanks (again)!
Time to (re)work my sets it seems
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Damn how did I miss this wonderful thread?

The number of racers online may not increase but for sure the level of debates in there reaches unexplored abysmal peaks

Thanks to all who participated and entertained me for some time.
My special thanks to Jtbo, Shotglass and Polyracer for under the belt wicked blows that made me smile. Keep up the good work!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Hi Scawen,

Thank you for the fantastic idea to regroup the communities (and making wrecking a bit harder).
No big issues so far (apart from my GFX card not being able to cope with AA...) and racing on demo-welcoming servers was great (although I doubt wreckers spend time reading the forums and discovering test patches).
I note a 5-10 FPS drop on BL1 using the same graphic settings as patch Y - No AA, AF 16x, nothing high res.
I've been playing with the MIP bias sliders - I don't think these affect FPS?

And thumbs up for hidind this revolution until Y18 - what a surprise!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from felplacerad :Yes,

0 = no filter
1 = filters chat
2 = filters chat and system messages (like "x left the pits" etc.)

That was the smart solution.
Here is mine (mechanical engineer )
Go to the data\sound folder
rename message.waw and sysmessage.waw to .old or whatever you want and enjoy the silent chatter